{THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED} I called Tiff to see if she could take care of the problem. I told her not to worry about getting him back to school because he didn't have that much of school left anyway. Well, Tiff relay's this story on to me later. She said she had bought some new scent stuff to spray in her car that smelled like fall. She also said that Tanner thought it stunk and didn't like it. Well, apparently Payton has his dad's sniffer and anything that might have a cinnamon spice smell to it he doesn't like either. So Tiff's putting Khloee in her seat when she hears Payton say, "What the hell happened here" or something similar (definitely had the "h" word in there somewhere). He was talking about the smell in the car but Tiff thought maybe he had heard him wrong or something so she didn't say anything. She gets in and they start down the road and Payton says (again), "What the hell is that smell." Had it been his mother in the car there wouldn't be so much laughing but because it was Tiff she just joked around with him about the smell he was smelling. Later Todd talked to him about saying the word and let him know it was a swear word.
{WEEK NUMBER TWO} --this was yesterday-- I get another phone call from the school letting me know Payton has had an accident during PE and needs to be picked up. Of all days!! THE ONE DAY I WORK! So, I call Tiff again. She's in St. George so I call a neighbor--no answer. I go to my last and final life line which is the dad across the street that's going to school and his wife works so he's at home with all us mom's being the Mr. Mom. He's a good sport and goes down to get the pee body and then take him back to school for the last hour. (totally cost me a dozen cookies, but well worth it). I get done with work and Tiff relays a new swearing session about Payt. There's a song on the radio by All-American Rejects called "Gives you Hell" {yes, I just looked that up for you all} It was on while Tiff was driving and Payton was singing along. Tiff didn't even know those were the lyrics of the song until she heard Payton singing them. So, she has a little chat with him about the word hell and how it's a swear word. Payton said, "Well, we can't say 'what the hell' but it's ok if we say 'I feel like hell' cause that's not swearing." Oh my, my my. We've got some teaching to do. I'm still trying to figure out where he learned the blasted word! So, the potty talk saga may not be over. Funny thing is that he hasn't said it around me yet...yet! Oh! and I asked about why he's peeing during PE {ironic eh? P.E. like pee?} He said he didn't want to mess up the game and go into the bathroom. I guess either way, he messed up the game now didn't he!
This post had me laughing. Kids! Our lives would be so boring without them!
That is so funny! I was totally laughing. You can laugh when it's other peoples kids. When we were in Vegas living in the ghetto Carson would play on the play ground right outside our door. And he kept hearing the kids say the "F" word. One day he came in and said it to me. I almost fainted. Not so funny when it's your kid.
LOVE IT! That is classic! Reminds me of when you told me about Payton coming into sacrament meeting with his pants down.
oh my gosh! i was laughing so hard! that was so funny! i can just hear him saying that!
Man that story never gets old. I love that kid! Man you have a good neighbor.
Why are swearing kids so funny?! Great story.
oh ha! Like he didn't learn that from you, you old potty mouth! That is a classic story!
LOL. I especially love how he distinguished between when it is okay to hell and when it isn't.
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