Thursday, April 9, 2009

No More Monkeys Jumpin' on the Bed

You all know he cute little song we teach our kids about the monkeys jumping on the bed. Now I know it was made up by some mother who had a child bump their head while jumping on the bed. Here's Porter's new song...
One little Porter monkey jumped on the bed
he fell off and bumped his head
Aunt Tiff called Uncle Kory who rushed him to the doctor and the doctor said,
this kid needs five staples in his head

I guess he won't be jumping on the bunk beds for a while...probably the next time he's at Tiff's he'll be back on the top bunk jumping again. I'm wondering if it's a second child thing. What's your stats on stitches, staples, broken arms etc. Does the second child get more bumps? I think the best part was afterwards I took him to get a slushy for being such a brave boy and when his older brother saw Porter had one and there wasn't one for him he pouted a bit. Payton asked Porter if he would share a little with him and this was Porter's response, "Sorry Payt. You have to fall off the bed and go to the doctor to get one." I hope that doesn't mean every time he wants a slushy he'll do this. It's one expensive slushy!

Oh how we love this little monkey!


Rach said...

Oh my Gosh! Poor little guy-- good job Tiff {JUST kidding!} And yes, so far Makayla has gotten more bumps and bruises {and even stitches} than Abs. Weird

nancy said...

That looks painful! Ouch!It was great to see you at the park.I'll send you some of the pictures when I load them from my dad's camera to our laptop (when John gets here). We will miss you tonight at dinner!

Angie said...

That was me, not my mom.:)

Andrus Family said...

OUCH. He looks quite proud of himself, he did get a slushy after all. If I remember right you had quite a few stitches as well.
Yes, my second child is definetly more accident prone, no stitches yet though!

Tiffani said...

I like your version of the song better, much more catchy! You didn't have to announce to the world that this happend while in my care, did you? I had bad dreams about it all lastnight. I am glad he is tough and it doesn't seem to bug him too much

The Johnson's said...

oh I am so sorry about his head. I wish I would of heard of your modbe party sooner but, Met is not sorry.

Morgie said...

Oh yeah. I think i agree! i broke my leg, wisdom teeth out, and an almost broken finger! (which happened a LONG time ago!!!) I am the 2nd child and i think i agree. and i get picked on! oh, and i have the most homework in the family!
is that enough? jk lol

Ouch! tell my cousin porter that i want a slushy too! jk jk jk jk jk jk
c u later. too bad i didnt getta see ya much in ut. u know that movie producers dont have long to talk. i had a tight schedule!

rayndrop said...

ouch! aryn had to get staples in her head when she was little and she's our FIRST! however, isaac has had more damage done to his body. i just attributed it to him being a boy.

i'm glad porter is doing well. and i like the song. you should make an album.

Andrus Family said...

I am waiting for the blog about your 5k run. How did it turn out?

Shannon said...

Oh! Poor guy...tell Payton that I will give him a slushy if he NEVER jumps on the bed and bonks his head.

Reeve's said...

Hey Misti, I found your blog and have checked it a few times hope that is ok. Sorry to hear about little Porter. It isn't any fun to watch them get hurt. I had to chuckle though when you asked if it was a 2nd child syndrome. My answer: it has to be the name. My Porter got hurt badly a year and a half ago, and had stitches and plastic surgery on his face. It is all good now...but maybe we should warn future parents of Porters...ha ha.
--Brooke (Winterton) Reeve