I took some pictures of Julia last night and they just don't even look like the same baby as last week.

Must have been having a "pudgy" day last week--or it could be the way she was sitting.
Anyway, I just thought that when you find something you really love you should share it...and I just love this girl!
Its the bow in her hair that makes all the difference. Last week she didn't have one and this one she does. Mystery solved! You can thank me later.
I guess you're right, Kan. ?Thank goodness we have a hairdresser in the family to let us know such things! Thanks!!
Perhaps your milk is getting less "creamy" with all the running you have been doing. She is looking quite thin thanks to your hard work!! All right lets not go as far as thin. I did change her diaper the other day, HOLY ROLY!
She is sooooo cute, I just think babies change form one day to the next.
super sweet pictures of a super sweet baby girl. i agree with you about sharing what you love. keep sharing the love.
julia is cute. oh yea. srry i haven't blogged in a while! math. ya that's my excuse. hee hee haha
Look at those pretty blue eyes! She is beautiful!
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