Monday, October 20, 2008


Not that I'm really counting but I only have FOUR WEEKS LEFT until this baby decides to come (or according to what the doctors say). I go in this week to see "where I am" as far as what's going on with this old body of mine in the whole pregnancy scheme of things. I've started to get swollen fingers and my ankles are letting me know what it feels like to have cankles (I think that's how you spell it). I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring for the past three days because I'm nervous I won't get it back off at the end of the day. The other day I was laying with my feet up and told Payton, "I'm starting to swell! Look at my ankles! They are swelling!!" He looked at them and said, "You're ankles are good, mom? Is that what you said? You're ankles are good?" I guess we use the word swell a bit differently around here too often. I usually only use it when people ask how we're doing or if the kids want a bit of praise from their mom. Everything is just swell!


Cluffers said...

I sucks having Kankels, not that I would know, but I didn't think you looked swollen. Just 4 more weeks, you can do it!!! I cant wait for Giraffe to get here so I can spoil her rotten!

Cluffers said...

Hey, I just noticed something really funny. On the top of your blog with all of your pictures and the cute saying, "The best things to hold on to in life is each other". Have you noticed what Porter is holding on to in the muddy picture? I thought it was funny but maybe you dont understand since your little sis. has to explain everything to you.:)

Andrus Family said...

Kandice you are funny!! Hey Misti I am sure that you don't have cankles. Good luck the next few weeks I always love the four weeks of mind games. Hey how was building your house? We are actually thinking of building. Would you do it again? Any tips?

Morgie said...

For a second I thought it was Payton saying, "Look mom! My ankles are swelling! Mom!"

Tryin' to keep up said...

Isn't my daughter's comment just swell! Hold on Misti (implying the pregnancy not Porter's picture) that baby wants to take her time. Hey gotta a name for the baby? How about Shareena? (Thought it may throw you off spelled that way rather than Cherina or Chereena.) OK, I have better ideas for reals, but of course it would be a "unisex" name. You know kinda like that word that can be used different ways.... like swell.

Angie said...

I can't believe how close you are! If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't wear my wedding ring for the last half of my pregnancy. Mine wasn't because of swelling though, but good ol' weight gain. I hope all goes well the next few weeks.

Tiffani said...

I was going to leave a comment and then I read Kandice's comment and it threw me all off and I had to go back and look at the picture and now I don't even know what I was going to say about your post. Glad that your blogging anyway's. Oh, and at least your cankles are temporary! And to answer your question about going private so I can post porn, that was my main motivation and the first porn post is going to be you in the delivery room! See ya in the stirrups! Practice your sexy looks in the meantime!

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, am I totally lost? Treg didn't tell me you were pregnant! What a dork I am, I come on and read your blog but I must not have caught that. Congrats!!! Is it a girl this time? We have our official appointment tomorrow afternoon, but we've been told it looks like another boy for us. We're only halfway done though, I wish I was only 4 weeks away! Good luck!