Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quick catch-up

I need to post about Payton's big day(s) before Christmas hits and it's all a big blur. So Payton turned six on Tuesday (the 15th) and he hasn't let us forget it since. He really got to celebrate most of the week. We started Sunday night at Todd's mom's where he got to open G-ma Julie's present (two days before his birthday) and have cake and celebrate w/G-pa Blair and Tara's boyfriend Jordan--who's b-day's are the day after Payton's.

Then Monday night we celebrated with my side of the family at G-ma & G-pa Turek's. We had pizza and cake and then the old man {Santa} himself came and visited the kids and sang happy birthday to the three boys having them this month.

Porter was hilarious!
{just a couple quotes from that night need to be written down}
He had to feel Santa's beard {yes! it was real!!}
When Santa read a book about Jesus' birth and the angels coming Porter said, "My grandma Ila died". Good relation son.
He came out of nowhere and gave Santa a big hug--which prompted Santa to tell him he could have anything he wanted...naughty Santa.
And last he kept looking for Santa's reindeer which uncle Jeff kept telling him were in the pasture--yup, Porter went looking for them across the street. They weren't there.

Santa let them all sit on his lap and then he gave all the kids toys which they all loved. Payton got these tops that had lights on them and his cousin Emmie accidentally broke one. {I've gotta put this down Kandice...sorry--Santa lifted Emmie on his knee and said, "Well, you haven't missed a meal!"} Payton got upset at Emmie for breaking his top and then said, "This is the worst Christmas ever!" He got over it...later.

Then Tuesday was Payton's real b-day. He got to take a treat to share at school {Christmas cookies} and came home with the biggest smile wearing his birthday crown. Then that night we went bowling. This year he was given the choice of having a birthday party or getting a present. He chose to have a party and invite his cousins. I don't know how long that will last, but I loved it! His birthday's too close to Christmas and it's an overload of presents. I liked spending money on him this way instead of another toy that might fall apart or get broken later.
Well, I think that wraps up another birthday for the greatest six year old in our house!


Angie said...

Happy (late) birthday Payton! Can you believe we have 6 year olds? I love the turtle cupcake cake. He's lucky to have so many cousins that live close that he can celebrate with. Your scrapbook pages are cute as usual. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

Tiffani said...

That was alot to remeber for one child but you forgot to tell about how I smoked you in bowling. Journal that down somewhere so I don't forget it! I am getting lots of great ideas from your scrap book pages! Thanks:)