Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let Me Smell!

This is a memory Kandice will not let me forget...
Before I was married we were down at the Washington Park (now the Veteran's Memorial Park) and I can't really remember what we were doing. Anyway a couple little boys came out of the bathrooms and we didn't know them but that didn't stop me from talking to them. I asked them if they flushed the toilets and they both said, "yeah." Then I asked if they washed their hands and they both said, "yeah" and then I said, "Let me Smell them" not really planning on smelling two little boys hands that just came out of the bathroom. They turned around and went back into the bathroom grinning because they had lied to some stranger about washing their hands.

That story has come back to me time and again as a mother. My boys are always trying to convince me they've done something when they really haven't and I have to use my nose for my detective work. (you know the usual things....washing their hands, brushing their teeth, washing their hair etc.)

Well, tonight I heard Payton turn the shower off and Porter was in the tub and I hear Porter say, "Payton, did you wash your hair?" and Payton of course said yes. Then Porter said, "Let me smell!" I just had a smile on my face listening to the whole conversation. Of course this is just something I needed to write down for myself and only a few will find it funny. But that's kinda' how all my blogs are.


rayndrop said...

oh little misti. i love your posts too. they keep me laughing. i hope you never have to smell my hands!

and yeah. i think isaac had a pretty good time with all the ladies.

Angie said...

I haven't had my computer for a couple of days so it's fun to read all your new posts. Way to teach your boys good hygiene!

As far as the sleepless nights go, I know those all too well. I am the worst at nursing my babies in the night when they probably don't need it. Our problem is that Lizzie doesn't really have her own space. Her crib is set up in Bekah's room, but that hasn't been working, so now she's back to a playpen in our closet.

When Bekah started coming in our room at night I told her I'd give her a quarter for every night she stayed in her bed. When she had four quarters I took her to the dollar store. Now Caleb has been waking at night, but the quarter trick hasn't worked for him.

The joys of motherhood!

Cluffers said...

I so remember that day at the park. I am so glad that your sniffer hasn't gone away. Porter is just like his mother in many ways!

Tiffani said...

Porter is turning into the enforcer at your house. I thought he was just the informer. Lets hope that he keeps his sniffing to Payton.

Shannon said...

That story is hillarious! I can't believe you asked those boys if you could smell your hands. The funniest thing is that Porter has caught on to your trick! I love it.

Ruth said...

How funny! You must be doing something right! And now you know they're listening. :)