Today is my sister Cheri's Birthday. Here's some things that I love about Cheri...
--I remember when I was young she did my hair in ringlets...all of my hair. It took a long time and a lot of hairspray but I loved it. I wanted her to do it again the next day even though she tried to talk me out of it because I had a dentist appointment later that day. Who knows, maybe it was because of that hair do so long ago that made Dr. H think about hiring me and keeping me all these years...(logically it was the hair do because it wasn't due to Trudi or Tiffani working for him before)
--After Cheri got married and moved to Vegas I loved going to her house. One time she even let me bring Brenda (my best friend) with me and we bought Funions (remember those?) and
Whatchamacallit's. I loved the children's clothing store she worked at too. I always thought it would be soooo cool to choose from all those dresses to dress my little girl in someday.
--Cheri is a very light packer....That was sarcastic. Everytime they would come to Utah Shane, her hubby, would carry bag after bag into the house. I gotta admit that she was always prepared and very organized but it must take her a long time to get the bathroom sink into those bags.
--Cheri is an AWESOME pianist. She can play anything & everything. I'm sad that I'm not as good as she is because we could have some awesome duets.
--Cheri is so fun to play sports with. She can laugh at herself & it makes it fun for everyone...especially us sister's on girl's weekend :)
--Cheri is a great mom. Who else would pack a 20 lb. boy around the house day after day even if it causes her back problems.
Cheri we love you (not just for your swimming pool) and hope you had a great 29th b-day!!
Oh, Cheri! I thought you'd like to know I met a checker at WalMart the other day who's name was also Cheri and she spelled it the same way...and she said people are always calling her Sherry...sound familiar?