Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Results Are In! We're Having A...

So I went to the Dr. today for my ultrasound. I had mixed emotions--not about the sex of the baby but about the situation I am in. Todd has been gone to Arizona for the past week on this fire crew for the BLM. He is toying with my emotions because he was going to be home Sunday and when I talked to him that morning he was working on leaving. When I talked to him Sunday after church he said he was going back to Arizona because he had been called out on another fire. I knew I would be disappointed if he wasn't with me at the ultrasound because our house has been split 50-50 on whether it was a boy or a girl. Payton and Todd vs Porter and I. So I devised a plan that when the Dr. got to pointing out the sex of the baby, I would look away and he could just type whether it was a boy or girl so Todd and I could watch the video later and be suprised together. Everything was going to plan but the baby wasn't cooperating and wanted to be modest. Anyway, later during the ultrasound he had to point some things out to me and explain why he thought the baby was a GIRL but he was only 85% sure. So, Yup, we're having our first Princess. Todd was way happy when I told him on the phone. I just don't know if we can really afford to have a girl. I guess I better start learning how to do hair or start investing in some really cute girl hats.


Tiffani said...

I say if I can hadle it, then you can handle it. Look at Emmie, she is fine and the boy's lover her even if she is a girl!

Ruth said...

yay! congrats!!!

The Gubler Fam said...

Congrats on having a girl Misti! I just wanted to say how cute your family is!! And I am awful excited to have you in the neighborhood!! It will be lots of fun!! Your house is looking great!! I loved your post about beautiful Russians!! Maybe I should keep my beautiful Adrian away from the new kisser of beautiful girls, Payton moving in!! JK I am excited though!!