Monday, July 19, 2010

Feeling Productive

Last night Todd came home from one of his priesthood meetings and talked to me about how technology is not all that great for kids to have. They learned that missionaries (100's of them) are being sent home from their missions because they can't be "unplugged" from the internet and technology. Texting, emails, internet, facebook, get the idea. We have a son with the same problem--although I tend to refuse to see it as a problem. Payton loves the internet and loves playing games. We don't have a nintendo, wii, playstation....NOTHING! so I thought the computer was a fine way for him to get into the gaming scene. I don't even allow them to play games where they are killing other people (aliens? fine! People? NOPE!) We don't have cable so we are only able to watch movies. I thought we were doing pretty good as a family. Apparently, I'm not doing good enough.
I know plenty of kids that have cell phones {of their own} and are constantly texting {yes, it drives me nuts but I thought maybe it's because they're faster than me so I was jealous?}. Todd and I have decided that our kids will not have their own phones until they are able to buy one for themselves. I talked Todd into getting a "family phone" for when they are old enough to go out with friends and might need a ride somewhere, but he helped me see the wisdom in not allowing it to have texts because of the picture texts that kids are sending now a days. It got me to thinking about my family and all the ways I should be planning to protect my family from all the crap that is out there...{yes mom, I said CRAP! because that's what it is}
Todd also told me we should be not just be reading the scriptures but studying them every day. He asked me how many books I have read in the last month {I have been on a reading spree lately}. After counting them up I figured I had read 9 in the last 2 months. Then he asked how many times I had picked up my scriptures. Talk about putting me in my place.
So what does this have to with "feeling productive"? This morning, while the kids were still sleeping, I opened my scriptures and read...Which in turn made me want to go to the temple this week. Then I got laundry started, beds stripped, journal written in (it had only been since MARCH! AAAHHH!! I used to try writing once a month) garden harvested and sprayed from those nasty squash bugs, kitchen cleaned and one load of laundry folded and put away {that's usually the worst part of laundry for me...folding and putting away}. Not every day is like this but it's good to know if I put first things first, there can be time to get everything done that needs to be.


Rach said...

Technology can be so scary--Maybe we should all move to the mountains and do the "Village" thing {have you seen that movie?} Abbey LOVES The computer too... and cant' WAIT to have a cell phone. It's a tough thing to deal with for sure. I need a little of your "productive juice" so I can get my butt out of bed and read my scriptures before the girls wake up...

Ashton said...

way to go misti! haha but i think i know who the whole they cant put down the phone and are texting thing is aimed towards. me and ashley. haha :]

The Calico Crew said...

Ash-It's only because you would rather text than talk to me. SOOO insulting! :)

Angie said...

Great job being productive! I love when I have those kind of days...they just don't happen often enough! I once heard that Satan uses "weapons of mass distraction" and technology can really distract us from what is really important. I know I sometimes get way too addicted to looking at blogs and facebook and I am trying to find a better balance.

As for your questions on my blog. Bekah will go a full day now (this week was early release though). I do like year round school, but I did not like the way short summer. I could have used 2 more weeks! Bekah had no problem going back though so I guess that's good.

Tiffani said...

Tell Todd to worry about himself and leave you and the kids out of his guilty feelings after priesthood meetings. Unless of course you enjoy feeling that productive. I mean you are setting a high bar for yourself for next monday.

rayndrop said...

that information about missionaries being sent home is a good reality check.

and good for you on your productivity.

who does payton have for first grade? have i already asked about this?

*crazy 'bout volleyball* said...

So smart on not letting kids have cell phones. I wish I had had an older sister to tell me not to get my kids a cell phone. Our kids lost their texting a week ago and I don't know if or when they will get it back. I know it distracts them from what they should be doing. Now explain that to my girls. I am also trying to find a program that only allows them to be on the computer for a certain amount of time. They love me. I'll let you know what I find. Way to be productive. I do have to say that almost every morning I read from my scriptures or the church magazines or the relief society manual. I do this so I don't want to kill my kids by the end of the day. Keep up the good work.

Morgie said...

How am I supposed to tell Mandy how Im doing on my backflips and backhandsprings when i cant call her Trudi??? hmmm... and i absolutely hate calling people!!! oh Misti, when i come to your house the week after GIRLS CAMP, I will do ALL the laundry AND clean your house AND organize the kids room AND everything else too... Have fun until then!!! hahaha :)