Sunday, August 25, 2019


Tonight Porter came into my room when he should have been in bed. He’s one of the snuggliest kids at night. He had been reading some of my Instagram posts that I had made into a book. One of them listed 10 things I loved about him in celebration of his 10th birthday. He just wanted me to know how nice they all were and thanked me for writing them.
Which lead me to writing this. Sometimes I need a swift kick in the gut to realize my kids are not going to stay little long. I’ve missed writing about the things they say or do. I’m most sad that they won’t get to read about them because there’s no way I’m going to remember them. So, here’s to a possible new leaf at being a better journal keeper of this crew. I’m going to have to really rack my brain to try backtrack and get things caught up a little better than they are now.

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