Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bike + Ball = a good giggle

This was on my Face Book wall from one of the friends/neighbors (Megan Snyder) that lives in Fox Cove with us--or we live in Fox Cove with them...I'm not sure which:

"you know what made my day today? Your little Julia, riding her bike up to the park, with a basketball stuck up her shirt...and the ball kept squirting out, and bouncing off, and she would get off her bike go fetch it, and stick it back up there, hop on the bike, go about 10 feet, and out came the ball again. I helped her once, but she didn't seem too bothered by the whole thing. She just kept on truckin'. Seriously, so cute!"
She loves her bike and rides it everywhere. I'm glad G-pa Blair got it from his work so we could have it! And to think that I was complaining slightly that we got that bike. The first day she couldn't get on or off by herself. But the next day she could, thanks to a little help from dad.